"Fear and confusion changes people. Such an edgy and ominous sentence, but true nonetheless. What if one atypical day without warning everything just... Changed. Having to let go of memories you hold dear just to face a dark and bleak future wouldn't be anyone's cup of tea. And maybe trying to navigate a world that no longer makes sense with those you care for... Or, alone. Isn't something you'd willingly do. But sometimes life doesn't exactly offer us a choice. Now all any of us can do is hide in the shadows and pray for a better tomorrow, hold on to what we have and never let go... otherwise you'd be surprised at how fast it slips through your fingers." A BFB based fanfic exploring a funny thought I just came up with one day. Please don't expect this fic to be super well written or anything! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE remember this is FANFICTION and doesn't affect the ACTUAL web series at all. Also, Please note this fic will contain ships and may be over dramatic at times. I've wanted to wrote fanfics for a while now so Im finally taking that chance.All Rights Reserved