Im from 1952. I was selected out of the entire human population for cryogenic testing for 100 years. Vault tech picked people nobody would miss if they died or went missing to experiment on. I had notning to lose and a chance at life so i agreed. They selected me and 19 others for this job. They froze us and injected each of us with something called V-Serum to see what it'd do to us. For some they died. For oghers they lost limbs or their minds. It was brutal for 2 years until they finally made it to me and Vault buddy Jeremy. They injected us with two different types of Serum but there were no visible or internal changes so we were seen as incomplete projects. So they watched us like hawks 24/7. After five years of the same song and dance. Jeremy grew tired of staying locked up in that vault so came up with a plan an escaped outside. And we were happy and free... For one week. That's when the raiders came and that fantasy of hope and optimism burst like a bubble. Jeremy was dead and they took his body like he was some toy. I wanted the Raiders to pay for what they did to my brother. Turns out me and a guy I had a brief interaction with in the 50's had the same goal. Vault-Tech destroyed our lives and took people from us and we were gonna get it back... Dead or AliveAll Rights Reserved