Theo, notorious in school for being a mischievous troublemaker, secretly harbored feelings for Rain, the class topper and the most popular guy in school. Despite his bold nature, Theo could only admire Rain from a distance, never finding the courage or opportunity to confess his feelings. Determined to change this, Theo made a vow for their final year of school: to finally confess his love to Rain.
Rain, on the other hand, lived with his mother, a woman deeply obsessed with his academic performance and driven by her expectation of perfection in every aspect of his life. Under her strict scrutiny, Rain felt immense pressure to uphold an impeccable image, forgetting his own happiness.
As Theo began making efforts to express his interest in Rain, Rain found himself grappling with unfamiliar emotions. Confused and conflicted, he chose to cope by avoiding Theo altogether. However, the more he tried to ignore Theo, the stronger his feelings became, leaving him in turmoil.
As Theo tries to reach for Rain's heart and try to confess his feelings, with Rain burdened by his mother's demanding expectations and his own inner conflict, can Theo and Rain really overcome all these obstacles and be true to their feelings?