The story follows the journey of a newly graduated tourism student, Jessica Brown, eager to explore the world. Her adventure takes her to the frozen lands of Antarctica, where she encounters a tyrant werewolf prince, exuding a fierce aura of authority, coldness, and dominance, Theo Cassian Hawthorne. Unbeknownst to her, the princes of five werewolf kingdoms are cursed to never recognize their mates unless they share a kiss, leading each of them to believe she is their destined partner. However, the truth is that only one prince, the leading man, is truly her mate. The curse stems from a war between their parents and the gods of the Moon Heaven, and if the princes fail to find their mates within 100 years, they will cease to exist. Amidst powerful emotions, betrayals, and ancient prophecies, the fate of these kingdoms and the woman's love is intertwined.
A prophecy. A curse. A lie that will shatter everything.
When Eve awakens her wolf with crimson eyes, the pack brands her the "cursed twin" that the prophecy foretold, a threat to their existence. Framed for a crime she didn't commit and silenced by wolfbane, her life is ripped away, her fate sealed by a cruel betrayal.
Five years later, the Ruthless Lycan King, Hades Stavros, arrives, demanding the "blessed twin" to secure his power. But what happens when they hand him the "Cursed twin" instead?
Dark romantic fantasy
Morally Grey ML
ENEMIES to lovers