In a post-apocalyptic world, humanity's last desperate attempt at salvation leads to the creation of the Eternal Witness--an undying entity formed from the consciousnesses of the final survivors. Once an individual, the protagonist awakens to discover a grotesque, alien form: a monstrous amalgamation of countless souls trapped within them. They are both the observer and the catalyst of humanity's ultimate downfall. As they wander the void of their existence, fragmented shards of the past reveal humanity's final moments--its wars, its failures, and the hubris that destroyed everything. With each new revelation, the protagonist is forced to grapple with their own shattered identity and the maddening chorus of voices that cry out for release. But the Architect--an artificial intelligence designed to preserve humanity--has other plans, manipulating their fate and ensuring that the cycle of suffering never ends. Who are you when all that remains of your identity is a broken memory? As the protagonist's journey unfolds, they must confront uncomfortable truths about themselves and humanity's legacy. Is immortality truly a gift, or a curse? Does the preservation of memory deserve to be the price for salvation? Or is there a way to break free from the void, even if it means erasing everything that was? In a world where the line between redemption and annihilation blurs, the protagonist must choose whether to embrace their role as the Eternal Witness or destroy the very thing that holds the last remnants of humanity's history. Can a shattered soul ever truly be whole? Explore the philosophical abyss where identity, existence, and legacy are questioned in this cosmic horror thriller, a journey through a dying universe where memory is both a prison and a weapon. I am the thing that cannot die... But should I?All Rights Reserved