Stanley Kaminski finally caught a break for the first time in his life. He is released from prison. Lion and Sky testified on his behalf in court that Yates was going to murder Stan and he acted in self-defense to save his brother. The judge decided to give Stanley a second chance to better his life and hopefully to never see him in a courthouse again. Grace Montgomery is emotionally recovering after her fiancé left her at the wedding altar. After that moment she decided that being single is the best decision for her. Ironically, she's one of the bridesmaids for her friend's wedding. While staying at the hotel for the wedding, one evening she wanders into one of the ballrooms. She sees a man sitting by himself. Grace and Stanley make small talk and end up having a one-night stand. A couple weeks have passed since that night, and Grace is still on Stanley's mind. Grace also can't forget about Stanley and the steamy night they had together. Will they see each other again or will they move on from that night?All Rights Reserved