For one year now, Peter Parker has donned the mask of Spider-Man. Still reeling from the death of his Uncle Ben, halfway through his junior year of high school with grades dropping, and with an increasingly fragile Aunt May, there is a lot going on in Peter's personal life. And as Spider-Man, he's had to deal with seemingly everything. From madmen dressed as goblins, to scientists who turn themselves into lizards, there's not much Peter hasn't seen.
That all changes when he fights a new villain whose main weapon... is holes. Or rather, holes that work like portals. One moment he's in New York. The next, he's in an entirely new country. And, as it turns out, an entirely new universe where heroes are as abundant as the rats of New York.
And, as if that isn't enough, he's attending an entirely new school.
Classic Parker luck.
Note: The Peter Parker/Spider-Man in this story is not any specific Peter from any specific media. Rather, it is my own interpretation of the character taking elements from multiple media of Spider-Man. All rights reserved to Toho, Marvel, and Kohei Horikoshi.