Title: Run Away
"Run Away" is a powerful and emotional Christian story about Hope Anderson, a teenage girl whose life descends into chaos and heartbreak after witnessing her mother, under the influence of drugs, murder her father when she was only seven years old. Her mother's desperate cover-up drives their once-privileged family into poverty, neglect, and abuse, leaving Hope to fend for herself in a world full of pain and mystery.
As the years pass, Hope becomes trapped in a cycle of bullying at school, her mother's cruelty at home, and the weight of her father's murder. Amidst the darkness, Lily Carter, her wealthy and persistent classmate, becomes her only friend and beacon of hope. But overwhelmed by her trauma, Hope pushes Lily away, leading to a painful rift between them.
At fourteen, after enduring unimaginable abuse, Hope finally reports her mother to the authorities, exposing the truth about her father's death. Though this act of bravery frees her from her mother's grip, it lands her in foster care, where she faces new struggles and heartbreak.
Despite everything, Hope never loses faith. With time and healing, she reconciles with Lily, and the two girls form an unbreakable bond. Together, they dream of a better future, supporting each other through every challenge. By eighteen, Hope has overcome her past, transforming her pain into purpose. She and Lily launch a thriving fashion brand, becoming a testament to resilience, friendship, and the power of faith.
"Run Away" is a story of survival, redemption, and hope, showing that even the darkest moments can lead to light.
It is a school Rom - Com 💫💗
Also it is a multicouple book .
When two bestfriends( Ayan nd kaustubh ) fall in love with two bestfriends ( Vedika and Kashvi ). It started from a rivalry. But afterr some time it turned intoo love but they didn't realise it . What will happen now ??
It has teenage struggles , love , friendship, trauma and a lot of dramaa💗
How their story gonna unfold ??✨🫠