In "Sonic: Chaos Ninjas", Sonic the Hedgehog, accompanied by his faithful friend Tails, travels to the Emerald Ninja Academy to hone his skills beyond his legendary speed. There he meets Amy Rose, a spirited ninja-to-be, and Knuckles, the guardian of the Chaos Emeralds, with whom he hopes to forge a bond of friendship. However, their training is overshadowed by a growing threat: the mysterious G Agents begin to watch the city with particular attention, seeking to thwart any suspicious intrusion. Shadow the red hedgehog and Omega, the powerful robot, are also on the job, patrolling the streets for signs of the Chaos Ninjas. Sonic must not only master the art of the ninja, but also navigate this web of surveillance to protect his new friends and uncover the secrets behind the return of the Chaos Ninjas. Immersed in action, friendship and mystery, this adventure promises to reveal a new side of Sonic, where speed isn't the only asset.
<< Dieu créa l'homme à son image, il le créa à l'image de Dieu, il créa l'homme et la femme. Et Dieu les bénit. Et Dieu leur dit : « Soyez féconds, multipliez, remplissez la terre, soumettez-la, et dominez sur les poissons de la mer, sur les oiseaux du ciel, et sur tout ce qui vit et qui se meut sur la terre >> Genèse 1 : 27 - 28