The novel opens with a haunting apocalyptic dream experienced by Max Amano, a 123-year-old former starship captain suffering from dementia. It is the year 2150, and Max, living on a future Earth threatened by ecological collapse, receives a message from his great-grandson, a scientist in Antarctica. This prompts him to recount a fateful mission that redefined his understanding of humanity's place in the cosmos.
In 2067, Max led a mission to Mars to test the "Beetle," an advanced drilling machine. Accompanied by engineer Janos Jablonsky and biologist Tanya Johnson, the crew witnessed the destruction of a Martian station and rescued Elaina, an alien refugee from the war-ravaged planet Almathea. With her was Salamana, a highly intelligent creature from the planet Sadoy, whose loyalty and brilliance captivated the crew.
What began as a research mission became a perilous odyssey through uncharted realms. On the galactic frontier, they discovered mysterious sand with transformative properties, capable of both creation and destruction. They also encountered survivors from civilizations destroyed by their own technological excesses.
Their journey led to Oceanax, a water-covered planet where they faced a rogue artificial intelligence, and to Sadoy, Salamana's homeworld, where the beloved creature tragically perished. Finally, they arrived at Almathea, where monstrous beings born from nuclear devastation threatened the remnants of Elaina's people. Using the enigmatic sand, the crew defeated the creatures, granting the Almatheans a chance to rebuild.
As Max reflects, he questions whether their journey was guided by higher civilizations, far more advanced than humanity. He warns that Earth could face a similar downfall if it succumbs to reckless ambition and technological misuse.
But will Max manage to warn Earth's people? Will his nightmarish visions vanish, leaving him at peace, hopeful for a bright future for Earth's civilization?
The aliens kill every human they catch, or in rare cases, put trackers on them to discover their hidden villages. When Natalie is caught in an ambush, she is unexpectedly released. But there is no tracker. The Saursunes have an entirely different motive this time.
Run. Don't look back.
When Natalie is trapped in an alien ambush, she is unexpectedly released. The first human to ever be let go.
The Saursunes invaded centuries ago, and everyone knows that getting caught is certain death. Natalie is confused but grateful to be alive. As a porter, one of the few humans with the rare ability to teleport between special crystal formations, she must leave the safety of her desert village every day to help gather food.
When other villages increase their raids on the Saursunes' farms, the aliens retaliate by hunting down every human they can find - except Natalie's group. Instead of trying to kill her and those helping her, they bring them food instead.
Is it a trap? Or something else? Natalie isn't sure, but one thing is certain: the Saursunes aren't done with her yet.
Updates are Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 11-1pm MST. The story is completed offline, so no worries about it being abandoned!