The story revolves around the intertwined lives of individuals in the Roleplay World (RPW). Behind their crafted personas and perfect posts lie real emotions, struggles, and secrets. As their online identities collide with their personal realities, relationships are tested, hearts are broken, and unexpected connections are made.
Kim Reiya Rodriguez, known in RPW as "Lila," has garnered attention for her artistic edits and heartfelt captions. But her heart silently beats for Ezekiel Sanford, a popular RPW figure whose charisma draws countless admirers, including Julie Silvestre, Kim's rival both in RPW and in real life.
Amidst the chaos, Kim's friendship with Marianne Oxford becomes her anchor. However, things take a turn when Shin Mendoza, her closest ally in RPW, confesses his feelings for her. This revelation complicates their bond, especially since Shin is already in a relationship with Margaret Hermosa, another RPW influencer.
As Kim struggles with her unrequited love for Ezekiel, her brother Albert harbors a secret affection for Marianne. Meanwhile, Julie's rivalry with Kim intensifies as they vie for Ezekiel's attention. Julia, Julie's twin, acts as the peacemaker, though she hides her own secrets.
With each chapter, the story delves into the duality of their lives: the perfect façades they maintain online versus the vulnerability they experience offline. They travel across the Philippines for meet-ups and events, and some even find themselves venturing abroad for opportunities. These journeys further complicate their tangled relationships, leading to moments of joy, heartbreak, and self-discovery.
𝐖𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐀𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐲 : Hatred.
Quinni Briggs has managed to almost go halfway of her Wetherfall Academy without having a Dominant.
That is until Principle Wetherfall decides enough is enough and too much of his time has been used to punish Quinni.
Principal Wetherfall decides to assign his son, Knox Wetherfall to be Quinni's Dominant, Being one of the strictest to handle her brattiness.
🥇Academy - 26th Jan 2025.