The Hidden Hearts is a teen fiction novel that blends mystery and self-discovery. Set in a small, picturesque coastal town with cliffs, hidden caves, and a close-knit high school, the story follows Rory Hart, a curious and resourceful 16-year-old who recently moved to the town. Alongside her best friend, Sophie Delgado, an energetic teen with a knack for getting into trouble, and Emery Lark, a quiet artist with a mysterious past, Rory uncovers an old, hidden diary during a school camping trip. The diary reveals deep secrets tied to the town, and as the trio unravels the mystery, they discover hidden truths about themselves, their families, and the strength of their friendship. Themes of personal growth, friendship, and secrets shape their journey through this compelling tale.
After a summer that changed everything, Lark and Sophie find themselves on opposite sides of a fragile friendship. Torn between loyalty to her boyfriend Liam and the undeniable spark with his sister, Sophie is drowning in secrets.