Genre: Sci-Fi, Action, Romance, Drama
In a world where humanity's last hope lies in giant mechs known as "Personas," a group of pilots must navigate the trials of protecting their city from the monstrous threats lurking beyond. Among them, Declan and Darius share a deep connection that goes beyond the battlefield-together, they face the chaos that unfolds. But it's not just about fighting; it's about the unbreakable bonds formed through shared experiences, struggles, and love.
As the battle against rogue monsters escalates, secrets are revealed, and friendships are tested. Will the power of their mechs and hearts be enough to hold off the rising dangers, or will betrayal and darkness take them down first?
In a world filled with mechs, monsters, and growing tensions, join Declan, Darius, Aidan, Max, and the rest of the crew as they face epic battles, intimate moments, and the unknown-fighting for survival, loyalty, and love.
*Note, all of this is fictional, if you think I've used your name don't blame me.
"Squid Game" is a South Korean fictional drama in which contestants who are deeply in debt play children's games in order to win a ton of cash.
The downside is that losers will be killed.
In this book, you'll find various funny posts and memes about Squid Game per every chapter.
(Wattpad : MemePoster)