신나몽 (Cinnamong)! Namong, a brilliant young scholar from Korea's prestigious Jiphyeonjeon, embarks on a time-traversing journey through the ethereal Memory Archive, guided by eight celestial guardians. From the dawn of Gojoseon's Hongik Ingan philosophy to the cultural splendour of Baekje, the unyielding courage of Goguryeo, and the unifying spirit of Silla, she unravels the essence of memory, love, and human resilience. Each era reveals profound lessons-responsibility rooted in justice, bravery forged in unity, and harmony achieved through faith and forgiveness-culminating in King Sejong's revolutionary creation of Hangul, where Na-Mong learns that memory preserves dignity and inspires innovation. As she returns to the present, Na-Mong realises that memory is not just a record of the past but a force that shapes identity, bridges generations, and empowers humanity to design a brighter future. With love and courage, she vows to share her story, connecting lives across time and space.
Princess Nymeria is well aware that her kingdom is in decline. It has been for hundreds of years after all. Unlike her ancestors, she's willing to reach out to try and get in contact with the supernatural kingdoms. Intent on re-establishing trade agreements and alliances, she never expected to gain the interest of the royal alliance. Along with their interest, she gains their protection. After all, she is their Little Princess.