Title: Clashing Crowns
In the dazzling world of Avalon Heights, where wealth and glamour reign supreme, Aria Montgomery and Damian Blackwood are two powerful heirs bound by fate but divided by personalities. Aria, a stunning model and social media sensation, thrives in the spotlight, embracing the luxury and adoration her privileged life affords. Damian, the country's richest man and a no-nonsense billionaire, values substance and intellect over appearances.
Childhood friends turned rivals, the two are forced to endure each other's company due to their families' close ties and neighboring mansions. While Aria dismisses Damian as judgmental and uptight, Damian views her as shallow and materialistic. Yet, beneath the barbs and bickering lies a simmering tension neither of them can deny.
As their lives collide at charity galas, family gatherings, and unexpected encounters, Aria and Damian find themselves questioning their perceptions of each other-and themselves. In a world obsessed with perfection and power, will they uncover the truths that lie beneath their polished exteriors, or will their differences drive them further apart?
Clashing Crowns is a story of love, pride, and rediscovery, where the battle of wills is as fierce as the pull of the heart.
Yuvaan Nanda and Nishtha Yadav, the OG couple of their college. Everyone has placed bets on their marriage.
It started a sweet love story of 19 year old Yuvaan seeing 18 year old Nishtha to 3 blissful years of friendship, love and passion...
However, as their college ended, so did their relationship. Love turned into hate, amongst the several misunderstandings, the two love birds lost their way, leaving both of them alone.
But fate had other plans:
4 years later, they're brought in front of each other again - this time: to get married.
Will they be able to get married with a huge past, so much hate and a lot of unsaid conversations?
Will the ship of love sail again? Or has it drowned for good?
Read to find out!
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