As the fabric of the multiverse begins to unravel, Sebastous, known as Red Revenge, faces a new, unimaginable threat that eclipses even the battles of his past. With the loss of Thor still weighing heavily on him, Sebastous must unite allies old and new, including his wife Atzi, their son Damian Voss-now the enigmatic Vampire Lord-and Damian's formidable wife, Li Mei.
The multiverse is on the brink of collapse, with fractures opening portals to alternate realities, each teeming with danger, chaos, and unexpected allies. Among these old faces are Rahab, the King of Atlantis, and his warrior queen Zhang Jing, as well as Rica Towers, the trans femme Pharaoh, and El Tiro Rapido, a legendary gunslinger. Together, they must navigate a treacherous path to uncover the source of the instability: a malevolent cosmic force that threatens to consume all existence.
But the cost of saving the multiverse may demand more than anyone is willing to give. Secrets long buried will surface, alliances will be tested, and the ultimate question arises: How far will Sebastous go to protect the ones he loves and fulfill his destiny?
Multiversal Twilight is an epic tale of sacrifice, unity, and the unbreakable bonds of family, weaving together the fates of heroes and villains across infinite worlds in the ultimate battle for survival.