follows Emma, a young girl who feels invisible in her family, overshadowed by her perfect siblings and neglected by her parents. Struggling with loneliness and unnoticed pain, Emma reaches out for help during a terrifying encounter, only to be dismissed by those she trusts. After enduring betrayal and isolation, she faces a devastating assault, an unwanted pregnancy, and emotional abandonment. In her darkest hour, Emma feels the crushing weight of her invisibility and ultimately takes her own life. The story explores the destructive effects of neglect, the silence of unspoken pain, and the tragic consequences of failing to see and support those who need it most.
This story is of Mr.Wolf( Mafia King) and Niharika (Mafia Queen). Nobody knows her face as Mafia Queen because she always wears a mask. One side of her is innocent and naive but the other side is fearless and strong. Mr.Wolf is known as a ruthless and emotionless person.
The story is about:
•Mafia King X Mafia Queen
•Forced Marriage
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