In the small, forest-surrounded town of Everdell, Cyianth, a poor but adventurous boy, dreams of a bigger life. One day, the royal family visits his town, and he's captivated by Princess Lyanna, a girl his age who seems just as trapped by her world as he is by his.
Determined to defy the odds, Cyianth vows to one day stand beside her. But as he chases his dream, he faces impossible challenges-royal expectations, class divides, and secrets that could change everything.
Lyanna, yearning for freedom from her royal duties, must decide if she's willing to risk it all for a chance at love and a life of her choosing.
"Crowning Dreams" is a story of forbidden love, ambition, and the fight to rise above what the world says you can't have. Will they find their way to each other, or will their dreams remain out of reach?
enjoy reading:)
Stunning and newly divorced, Jade Abara is living a peaceful life happily, avoiding the male species to the best of her ability. But due to her circumstances and catching the eyes of two handsome strangers, things are about to change.