"Fireworks and Broomsticks" follows Gemma Olive Wood, a skilled Chaser and Hogwarts alum, as she returns to her roots after the Second Wizarding War. Now the Hogwarts Flying Instructor, Gemma is thrust back into the world of Quidditch and broomstick races, but with a new twist-she's also navigating her blossoming relationship with Fred Weasley. As their playful, teasing dynamic deepens into something more, Gemma must balance her passion for Quidditch, her role as a mentor to the new generation of flyers, and her growing feelings for Fred. Meanwhile, her close-knit group of friends-including Alicia Spinnet, Angelina Johnson, Lee Jordan, and others-are by her side, offering support and laughter as they partake in everything from impromptu broomstick races to explosive fireworks displays. When Fred surprises Gemma with a late-night fireworks show to celebrate their engagement, the evening becomes a pivotal moment in their relationship, filled with sparks both magical and romantic. Amidst the thrills of broomsticks soaring through the night sky, Gemma realizes just how much she's willing to fight for both her love and the people she holds most dear.Fred
With the pains getting worse, the debt looming over her and the consequences sinking in, Y/N sees no other option than to blindly join the game.They seemed fine at first.
Until the first gunshot rung out.
With players continually voting to stay, Y/N seeks safety with a previous winner and his group. Including player 001.
TW -
Sensitive topics
Smut (OPTIONAL to read it)