In the shadows of tragedy and secrets, Naruto Uzumaki finds himself entangled in a web of complicated relationships and emotions. After Sasuke Uchiha suffers the devastating loss of his family in the infamous Uchiha massacre, his quest for vengeance begins to consume him, pushing those closest to him away. Yet, Naruto refuses to abandon him, even as their relationship teeters between love, rivalry, and heartbreak.
Complicating matters further is Kiba Inuzuka, Naruto's steadfast friend, who harbors deep feelings for him and stands as his unwavering protector. Kiba's growing suspicions about Sasuke's treatment of Naruto ignite a fiery confrontation, forcing Sasuke to confront not only his actions but also the consequences of his unchecked anger and pain.
As Sasuke spirals deeper into hatred and Naruto struggles to hold on to their fragile bond, the lines between loyalty, love, and self-destruction blur. With Kiba's protective instincts clashing with Sasuke's relentless drive for revenge, Naruto must navigate the storm of emotions and decide where his heart truly lies.
Y/N, a simple woman, joins the deadly games to pay off debts after her mother's death. Young-Il, a heartless soul, controls the games, watching everything from afar while sipping on his glass of whisky.
But this year is different. When he spots Y/N, number 160, during the game of "Red Light, Green Light," he can't help but grow more obsessed with her.
The first game ends, and Young-Il decides it's time to join the games himself, meet her, and make her his forever. Not that he will allow anyone else to even look at her
But will Y/N really trust him?