Bound By Blood & Fire | Drarry Creature Inheritance
18 parti Completa Per adultiAt the cusp of his fourth year at Hogwarts, Harry Potter's world is upended when an unexpected legal twist leads to his emancipation. A visit to Gringotts for an inheritance test reveals a shocking truth: Harry's soul is bound to none other than Draco Malfoy, his soulmate by ancient magical law. Grappling with this revelation, Harry must navigate his evolving relationship with Draco, who is equally stunned yet strangely drawn to him.
As the summer unfolds, tensions rise with the Ministry, culminating in Harry's controversial expulsion from Hogwarts before his fifth year begins. With Dumbledore's intervention and a formal Wizengamot hearing pending, Harry faces the ultimate upheaval: he must be resorted into a new House, forcing him to start anew among former rivals and uneasy allies.
Caught between the political maelstrom of Voldemort's resurgence, the growing pressure of his destiny, and the fiery bond pulling him and Draco closer, Harry must redefine what family, loyalty, and love truly mean.
Will the reluctant pair uncover the strength they need in each other, or will their bond spark the flames of destruction instead?
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