In a world where mysterious and devastating spacequakes threaten humanity, Y/N L/N, an "ordinary" second-year high school student at Raizen High, discovers he is anything but ordinary. Unbeknownst to most, Y/N is the first male spirit-a being with great power tied to the phenomena that have plagued the world for decades.
Alongside his childhood friends, Shido and Kotori Itsuka, Y/N is thrust into encounters with other spirits-extraordinary girls wielding unique abilities through their "angels." As Y/N meets these spirits, he strives to connect with them, understanding their pain and offering them a place of solace in a world that views them as enemies.
Through heartfelt connections and unwavering resolve, Y/N's journey becomes one of discovery, compassion, and acceptance as he welcomes these powerful beings into his life, forging bonds that could change the fate of humanity and spirits alike.
[Date a Live X Male reader]
Updates can sometimes be slow, so I'm sorry if it takes a while to release new chapters.
The cover art is not mine.
[I don't own the rights to Date a Live and Its characters, all the rights belong to Kōshi Tachibana.]