In an land of magic and magical creatures and beings, Katsuki Bakugo has been banished from his kingdom, living as an outcast for years. He sleeps under the stars, hunting for his own food, living as a peasant, a pathetic one at that. He wants to return to his throne, wanting to become the royal prince again, to save his kingdom from persecution.
Bakugo constantly hears people talk shit about him, as others say how the king had abandoned them, and the prince is just as pathetic as his father, who deserves being banished. He has to always hold his tongue, always staying hidden.
From the words of a witch, that had once told him he would find someone who can help him return to his throne, who would know the tricks of being sneaky. Bakugo met a young thief, who had a sly hand, and an agile body. Bakugo immediately knew this was the one who could help him get his throne back.
Both him and the thief go on a journey to get back Bakugo's kingdom, to return him to the throne. They meet dragons, travelers, farmers, wizards/witches, hybrids, making new friends or enemies everywhere they go. But the hardest challenge is getting his throne back. Will they succeed or will they fail?
One day, a curse befell Sensei.
To the students, Sensei became the enemy, and he found himself in a position where he lost everything overnight.
But Sensei does not resent the students. Because he is 'Sensei'.
And Sensei has to face the calamity that would befall Kivotos once again.
[블루 아카이브] 그리고 모든 증오가 시작되는 곳
Author: 비솔티
265+ Chapters (Ongoing)
1,110,000+ Total Words