Shattered Echoes follows the intense and complex journey of a young woman who is struggling with the aftermath of a toxic, abusive relationship while navigating life in a psychiatric institution. Admitted for borderline personality disorder, she's forced to face the fractured pieces of her past, including her broken relationship with Matt, her violent ex who unexpectedly resurfaces in the same mental health facility. As she attempts to rebuild herself, she encounters Ashton, a troubled and enigmatic patient whose dark past mirrors her own pain.
What starts as a tentative connection between them soon evolves into an undeniable bond, as Ashton becomes a key figure in her fight against the haunting shadows of her past. Together, they navigate the dark corridors of both the hospital and their own minds. But when Ashton's volatile past resurfaces, pushing him to the edge, and Matt's obsession with reclaiming what he believes is his continues to spiral, their fragile connection is put to the test.
Shattered Echoes is a gripping exploration of mental health, the complexity of broken relationships, and the healing power of understanding someone who has been through the same emotional battles. The story delves deep into themes of love, trauma, and the resilience of the human spirit, all set against the stark, confining backdrop of a psychiatric institution.
The suspense grows as these characters' lives intertwine, revealing just how far they will go to save themselves-and each other-from the weight of their own shattered echoes.
It is a school Rom - Com 💫💗
Also it is a multicouple book .
When two bestfriends( Ayan nd kaustubh ) fall in love with two bestfriends ( Vedika and Kashvi ). It started from a rivalry. But afterr some time it turned intoo love but they didn't realise it . What will happen now ??
It has teenage struggles , love , friendship, trauma and a lot of dramaa💗
How their story gonna unfold ??✨🫠