Ethan Turner, a quiet, introverted teenager with a knack for programming, is accidentally summoned to another world alongside his classmates. While others are blessed with extraordinary powers, Ethan's "Basic Constructor" skill is deemed useless by the king, who orders him discarded into a desolate, trash-filled wasteland.
In this harsh and unforgiving world, Ethan survives by scavenging, learning basic magic, and harnessing his knowledge of machines to create incredible inventions. Over a decade of pain, isolation, and relentless ingenuity, he builds weapons, tools, and even a teleportation device in his desperate bid to escape.
But when his machine finally works, it thrusts him into an even darker world-a place of ash, fire, and horrors beyond imagination. Determined to survive and seek vengeance on those who abandoned him, Ethan begins a journey fueled by hatred, grit, and the unwavering resolve to turn his "useless" skill into the ultimate weapon.