The Paranormal Society follows a group of five curious friends-Sophie, Ravi, Max, Ellie, and Amelia-who are determined to uncover the mysteries lurking in their quiet village of Eddington. Armed with cameras, gadgets, and boundless curiosity, they investigate local legends and unexplained phenomena.
In this chapter, the friends explore St. Mary's Churchyard, a site rumoured to be haunted by a spectral monk. Their investigation leads them to eerie carvings on an ancient oak tree and unsettling sounds that defy explanation, including ghostly chanting and a mournful moan. As their equipment records unusual activity, their fear grows, but so does their resolve. Together, they vow to return, better prepared for the dark secrets waiting to be uncovered.
This is a gripping tale of friendship, bravery, and the unrelenting pursuit of the unknown.