In this magical crossover event, Love Nikki meets the world of Disney as Nikki, Momo, and their friends find themselves transported to the enchanting kingdom of Auroria, a realm where the stories of beloved Disney characters come to life through fashion and dreams.
As Nikki competes in a grand styling competition hosted by the benevolent Queen Aurora (inspired by Sleeping Beauty), a shadow looms over the kingdom. The wicked sorceress Malvina, jealous of Auroria's beauty and harmony, has stolen the Thread of Everlasting Dreams, an enchanted thread that keeps the magic of Disney's tales alive. Without it, the stories of Cinderella, Ariel, Belle, and others begin to fade, and their iconic outfits lose their sparkle.
With the help of Disney princesses and her trusty friends, Nikki embarks on a journey through different fairytale kingdoms, collecting magical garments, solving styling challenges, and facing off against Malvina's style-stealing minions. Along the way, she discovers the true power of love, courage,