In the beginning, five gods created a universe filled with wonders and mysteries, every corner of their world, Haud, reflecting their divine essence. Yet even the gods, with their immense power, could not foresee the complexities of humanity they brought to life.
As centuries pass, tensions between mortals and divine beings escalate, and the gods face a dilemma: to intervene and rule or to allow humans to shape their own destiny. The death of Eletha, the goddess of magic, triggers an irrevocable shift in the world's magical structure, while new conflicts arise among races, religions, and cultures.
The story follows Khata, a queen who bears the weight of decisions that will define the future of her people, and the demigods, chosen by the gods to become the new protectors of balance. Each of them represents an ideal, yet they must also confront their own fears and dilemmas, navigating a world where hope, order, time, and dreams are more fragile than ever.