In the vast and mysterious Horizon Region, where the remnants of an ancient civilization have merged with the Pokémon world, powerful machine-like Pokémon dominate the land.
Among them, none are more feared than the Apex Thunderjaw, Titanus, and the Apex Stormbird, Zephyra-Pokémon of immense power and intelligence, bonded to a single trainer named, Aloy.
Raised as an outsider by the Nora Tribe, Aloy has always been captivated by the secrets hidden beneath the ruins of the old world.
But her destiny changes when she joins her childhood friend, Ash Ketchum, on an adventure that will test the limits of their strength, knowledge, and Pokémon bonds.
As they journey across the Horizon Region, they face a looming threat tied to the past.
Unbeknownst to them, the Horizon Region's history holds a terrifying secret-a failed AI program known as HADES, once designed to reset all life, was lost to time.
Due to a mysterious incident, HADES' consciousness was sealed within an Apex Thunderjaw, erasing its memories and reducing it to a wild Pokémon until Aloy tamed it, unknowingly bonding with the very entity that once sought to destroy her homeland.
Meanwhile, Zephyra, once the benevolent AI GAIA, was meant to bring balance to the world but suffered the same fate, awakening as an Apex Stormbird with no recollection of her true purpose.
As Ash and Aloy uncover the truth of Titanus and Zephyra's origins, they must confront the past and the dangerous forces seeking to awaken HADES once more.
With Aloy's unmatched connection to machine Pokémon and Ash's unbreakable trainer spirit, they must face the ultimate battle to protect their world from a second catastrophe.
But when Titanus faces other Apex Pokémon imbued with strange, ancient power, will his lost memories resurface?
And if they do, will Aloy still be able to stand by his side, or will she have to fight the Pokémon she loves most?
The battle for the Horizon Region's future begins.