Julian Ashton is a renowned pianist who has dedicated his life to perfection, his days filled with music and discipline, his nights haunted by dreams he cannot explain. After a chance encounter with the enigmatic and captivating Victoria Saint James at a gala two years ago, he finds himself inexplicably tethered to the city of Charleston, South Carolina. Her dark eyes, her magnetic presence, and the haunting memory of their brief interaction have left an indelible mark on him, one that defies logic and reason.
But when strange symptoms begin to plague Julian-pain, heightened senses, and an insatiable hunger-his carefully ordered life spirals into chaos. After a disturbing morning filled with hallucinations and inexplicable urges, he finds himself face-to-face with the woman who has occupied his thoughts for two years. Victoria's return brings revelations that shatter Julian's understanding of reality: she is a vampire, and she isn't alone.
As Julian's sister Clara reveals her own dark secret, Julian is thrust into a world of blood, power, and immortality. Torn between fear and the unrelenting pull of Victoria's presence, he must confront the truth of what he is becoming and the cost of stepping into the shadows.
Yuvaan Nanda and Nishtha Yadav, the OG couple of their college. Everyone has placed bets on their marriage.
It started a sweet love story of 19 year old Yuvaan seeing 18 year old Nishtha to 3 blissful years of friendship, love and passion...
However, as their college ended, so did their relationship. Love turned into hate, amongst the several misunderstandings, the two love birds lost their way, leaving both of them alone.
But fate had other plans:
4 years later, they're brought in front of each other again - this time: to get married.
Will they be able to get married with a huge past, so much hate and a lot of unsaid conversations?
Will the ship of love sail again? Or has it drowned for good?
Read to find out!
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