Threads of Time follows the journey of Lionel, a 20-year-old young man from the present day in Sabah, Malaysia, who stumbles upon an old rotary phone in his grandmother's abandoned house. When he picks it up, he unexpectedly connects with Adi, a young man living in 1976 Sabah. What begins as a bizarre and impossible conversation quickly deepens into a profound connection, where the two share their worlds-one shaped by modern challenges and the other still rooted in the simplicity of the past.
As Lionel struggles with his own sense of purpose and future, Adi's encouragement to protect the environment and cherish the natural beauty of their homeland starts to resonate with him. Through their growing friendship, Lionel is transported to a time he never knew, learning about a Sabah that is slowly being lost to development, and discovering how their bond could be the key to restoring what once was.
Blending the beauty of Sabah's landscapes, traditional customs, and the stark realities of modern environmental challenges, Threads of Time is a heartfelt, bittersweet exploration of connection across time, the power of memories, and the hope that one voice-even from the past-can inspire change in the future.
p/s: this is AI generated story