In the aftermath of a brutal assault, Lady Alcina Dimitrescu's human wife, Liliana, falls into a deep silence, her once vibrant spirit crushed. Unable to find the words to heal herself, Liliana retreats into her art, painting a world where she can still feel in control. But her daughters-Bela, Cassandra, and Daniela-refuse to let her suffer alone. In a tender and quiet act of love, they create a safe space for Liliana to heal, organizing a small celebration in the hope of rekindling the family bond. Through patience, understanding, and a small gesture of laughter, Liliana slowly finds her voice again, reminding her that despite the trauma, she is still loved, still part of a family that will never abandon her. As Liliana's fractured world slowly rebuilds, she learns that even in the darkest of times, love has the power to heal, bringing her back to the family she thought she'd lost forever.