In the mystical land of Kumandra, humans and dragons once lived in harmony, their bond strengthened by love and mutual respect. However, this serenity was shattered when the dark forces of the Druun invaded, prompting the dragons to valiantly defend their human companions. In a selfless act of sacrifice, the dragons gave their lives to protect the people, leaving behind a land torn apart by grief and mistrust.
As the years passed, the people of Kumandra became divided, fragmenting their land into five distinct regions: Heart, Talon, Tail, Spine, and Fang. Five centuries later, the king of Heart, Jimin's father, endeavored to reunite the fractured land, inviting the rulers of the other regions to join him.
Tragedy struck when Jimin's newfound friend, a supposed ally and fellow admirer of the legendary dragon Sisu, betrayed him. The friend's treachery led to the shattering of the powerful Dragon Gem, which was then claimed by each of the five land kings. As the Druun resumed their relentless attacks, Jimin's father fell victim to their dark magic, turning him into a statue.
Six years later, Jimin embarks on a perilous quest to restore his father and reunite the people of Kumandra. Driven by determination and courage, Jimin sets out to find the elusive soul of Sisu, gather the scattered fragments of the Dragon Gem, and bring peace back to the war-torn land.
Published : Jan 25, 2025
Completed on :
╰➤ English is not my first language so I apologise in advance if there are alot of grammatical mistakes.
╰➤ Any kind of similarities with other books - or anything are just a pure coincidence or, I'm inspired by it, I did not copy.
╰➤ This fanfic is purely fictional, it has nothing to do with real life people or scenarios.
╰➤ This fanfic has LGBTQ theme, please tap away if you are uncomfortable with the following content.
╰➤ All the pictures are edited by me, but originally taken from Pinterest.