In a world where demons lurk in the shadows, feeding on the innocent, one man's curse becomes humanity's unexpected salvation. Hajime, a humble young man from a quiet mountain village, had his life forever changed when Muzan Kibutsuji's twisted experiments turned him into something far beyond human-a hulking, unstoppable force of raw power and fury.
At first, Hajime feared the creature within, a being born of rage and survival instinct. But as time passed, he began to understand the truth: the Hulk wasn't a monster. He was a scared, angry little brother, born to protect Hajime from the horrors Muzan's experiments would have inflicted upon him. The Hulk wasn't just his curse; he was his savior.
Now, Hajime and the Hulk share an unbreakable bond, two sides of the same coin in a world that shuns them both. While Hajime fights to control his transformations, the Demon Slayer Corps struggles to decide whether he is an ally or an uncontrollable threat. Yet, as demons grow stronger and Muzan's grip tightens, Hajime and the Hulk might be the only beings capable of turning the tide in humanity's favor.
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If money and success were a test, Y/N had failed-at least by the world's unforgiving standards. In a harsh, cutthroat reality where wealth and power defined worth, she had always been on the losing side, scraping by in the shadows of society.
Yet here she was, thrown into a twisted arena where survival hinged not on financial prowess, but on wit, grit, and sheer willpower.