Céce, a sweet, naive, and innocent young woman, unknowingly lives among demons in a sinister circus-town ruled by her overprotective and obsessive husband, Dimitri Varislavik, the Demon King. Unaware of Dimitri's true nature, Céce believes she's just living a sheltered life due to his concern for her safety. However, when three human heroes-Jack, Lana, and Cyan-arrive in the circus-town, their mission to challenge Dimitri sets off a chain of events that upends Céce's world.
Themes: Obsession, Romance, Mates, Overprotective, Species, paranormal
Archer Morales's life is finally perfect. He's married to the girl of his dreams and finally has a job he enjoys. But when something completely unexpected happens, Archer discovers that his wife, Hadley, has been keeping secrets, and that his past isn't going to be staying in the past for much longer.