In a vibrant crossover between Winx Club and Angry Birds Space, the Winx Club-Bloom, Stella, Flora, Musa, Tecna, and Aisha-teams up with Twinkly and the Angry Birds to embark on an intergalactic adventure. Their journey begins when they discover the mysterious Eggstroids world, enchanted eggs from a distant planet, and quickly learn that they must rescue them from the clutches of the Piggies, who are scheming to use the eggs for their nefarious plans.
As they navigate through various worlds, including the ominous Danger Zone and the fiery Red Planet, the group faces thrilling challenges, encounters alien landscapes, and uncovers the secrets of the Eggstroids. With the help of the Winx's Cosmix magic, space technology, and their unique powers, the Winx Club and their feathered friends strive to protect the Eggstroids and restore harmony to the Universe of Angry Birds Space
Amidst their adventures, they learn the importance of teamwork, friendship, and bravery, all while tackling the comedic antics of the Piggies. As they race against time, will they succeed in their mission and keep the Eggstroids Eggs safe ? Join them on this epic journey filled with magic, laughter, and heartwarming moments !