Set in pre-partition India, the story follows Abu Hadid, a humble construction worker, and Layla, a woman from a wealthy family, who fall deeply in love despite their contrasting social standings. As their relationship blossoms across the cities of Delhi, Karachi, Bombay, and Lahore, they face the weight of societal pressures, family expectations, and personal insecurities. Abu Hadid struggles with his financial hardships and fears that he is not enough for Layla, while Layla, despite her love for him, must contend with the expectations placed on her by her father, Sultan, and the complexities of their love. Their journey is marked by deep passion, sacrifice, and the harsh realities of life, leading to a tragic conclusion where love, despite its intensity, cannot overcome the forces that pull them apart.
This summary captures the essence of the relationship between the two main characters and the key struggles they face. Does this fit what you're looking for?