i can't love you a little, i need more than just a taste, just tell me that you want me to stay
real life x social media
To most people, it was a summer destination spot, but to Poppy Iacono it was home.
At sixteen, Poppy has gone through more than most people. When she was six, her sister passed away. Oddly enough, her sister was the same age she is now. Shortly after, her father skipped town. He claimed it was 'too hard' to be surrounded by all the things that imagined him of Lizzie, even is other two kids.
Cameron was Poppy's older brother, her best friend, her rock. While her mother could barely look at the girl, Cam made sure that she had someone in her family that didn't look at her as if they saw a ghost.
After years of keeping themselves, Cam meets Isabel Conklin at the summer kickoff bonfire. It's that summer, where Poppy meets the infamous Jeremiah Fisher and the rest of the 'Cousin's Crew'.
Mel and her friends make it out alive in the glade, but will everyone survive in the Scorch?
Thomas tells a secret, Melissa meets her mom after almost 4 years and finds out the truth about what happened to her related crank, Minho confesses, and many flashbacks lead to an explainable reason for almost everything.
That is, before W.I.C.K.E.D takes over... Before Mel loses her sisters trust... Before its too late...
PART TWO OF "Our Death Cage"