Did I really just waste a bunch of time coming up with a bunch of headcanons from a movie no one cares about or remembers outside of wanting to make fun of it? Yes, yes I did and I totally didn't write a bunch of them out just to have an excuse to write mine for Harris since I have a crush on him (you didn't read that shhhh) Rules: 1. I'm not doing character replacements (Nick Lassard, Kyle Connors, Mauser) because they served the same purpose as their predecessor. 2. I'm also not doing characters that are too similar to each other (Copeland/Blanks are essentially Proctor before Proctor, Nagata is essentially a stand in for Martin from the first movie, House is too similar to Hightower) 3. I'm not doing oneoff characters either like Martin, Barbara or Thompson because that would be redundant.All Rights Reserved