This paper explores a speculative alignment between the ancient Vedic concept of the Yuga Cycle and the contemporary scientific understanding of the Milky Way-Andromeda galaxy collision. The Yuga Cycle, spanning 4.32 million years, represents a cosmic rhythm of creation, preservation, destruction, and renewal. On the other hand, the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies are predicted to collide in approximately 4 billion years, a cataclysmic event that will forever alter both galaxies. This paper proposes that the collision timeline might be closer to 4 million years, aligning with the Yuga Cycle rather than the widely accepted 4-billion-year estimate. By examining this alignment, the paper suggests that ancient spiritual wisdom and modern cosmology may be more interconnected than previously imagined. This connection between cosmic destruction, rebirth, and time may offer new perspectives on the intersection of science, philosophy, and spirituality.
Pratap and Nehara's love was not just a story but a symphony-two souls blending into a melody that even time couldn't silence. They didn't just find each other; they found home