In the heart of the ancient city of Corvenor, nestled between towering cliffs and lush forests, lies the prestigious Arcanis Academy, a school where young mages are trained in the arcane arts. Each student here possesses a unique ability tied to one of the elements, or something more obscure, yet equally potent. For Kian Daelor, the newest addition to the academy, his power is unlike anything most students could imagine-he can manipulate magnetic fields.
Despite the power his ability offers, Kian's life at Arcanis Academy isn't one of grandeur or adventure, but rather, a quiet struggle to fit in. Gifted with a force that can alter metals and shift the very world around him, Kian finds himself constantly caught between the potential for greatness and the mundane tasks of daily life-studying, training, making friends, and learning the deeper parts of magic that make up his world.
Kian is tasked with learning not just how to control his abilities, but also how to navigate the complex, and sometimes frustrating, relationships that come with being part of the academy. From competing with his peers in practical lessons, dealing with the whims of eccentric professors, and making sense of the mysteries surrounding the academy's ancient past, Kian discovers that magic isn't just about power-it's about understanding who you are and finding balance in a world where even the most quiet of moments can carry weight.
In a setting where friendships are forged under pressure, and mysteries of long-forgotten magic emerge at every turn, Kian must also confront his own insecurities-about his powers, his place in the world, and whether he truly has the strength to change things for those around him, or simply be a quiet observer in the larger story of Arcanis Academy.
Currents of the Academy is a story about self-discovery, the intricacies of magic, and the everyday struggles of being a teenager at a school filled with wonder, challenge, and the constant pull of unseen forces.