The Hawthornes are cherished, while the Blackthorns are dreaded.
Two great houses, locked in an eternal feud, divide the breathtaking city of Castelverdea.
Yet, amid the hatred, a forbidden love begins to bloom between their heirs.
What is just becomes tainted, and what is dishonorable turns righteous.
When a tragic death sparks the flames of war, only one house can emerge victorious.
House Blackthorn is a name whispered in fear. Their wealth and power stem from shadowy dealings and unseemly actions, yet their influence is undeniable.
House Hawthorne, on the other hand, is revered. Generations of honor, respect, and virtuous deeds have built their fortune and legacy.
Lucian Blackthorn, heir to his house, is a masterful swordsman with a fiery temper and a rebellious streak. He often stands alongside his brother and cousins, his charisma shadowed by his defiance.
Flora Hawthorne, the beloved daughter of Lord Hawthorne, is known for her kindness, beauty, and unwavering dedication to charity. Promised to another, she is the epitome of grace-until love leads her to risk everything.
Their story unfolds in a world of loyalty, betrayal, and the allure of a love forbidden by fate itself.
This story is heavily inspired by Romeo and Juliet.