They were like the orchid and the rain-a bond of delicate dependence, where one could not flourish without the other. She was the rain, nurturing, life-giving, and he was the orchid, thriving only in her presence. But storms do not ask permission before they break, and war is a storm that spares nothing.
She fell in the chaos, her breath stolen by a conflict she never believed in. Her last moments were not gentle; they were a tempest of pain, a shattering of the harmony they had built. And when the rain ceased, the orchid was left to wither, its vibrant colours fading into memory.
Love, like mutualism, is a fragile balance. And loss?
Loss is the silence after the rain, the emptiness where life once bloomed. She was gone, and with her, the world lost its rhythm. The orchid remained, but it was no longer alive-it simply existed, a ghost of what it once was.