One morning day, Michael, Vincent, Veruka, Napoleon, Cotton, and Ross begin debating about who in their group is the superstar based on their personal abilities. Napoleon states that a Super Star must be strong, to which Veruka suggests that she is also strong herself. Both get into an argument over who is stronger. The narrator says that maybe Michael would make a good superstar, or Cotton, or even the energetic Ross. The gang starts to close in on Scratch, who shouts out that he has an idea of what they should do. Scratch, who is literally at the center of their discussion, suggests the six of them determine who is the superstar through a series of games placed on maps resembling board games. He also warns that the road will be dangerous and that being the Super Star requires not only strength, but courage, wisdom and kindness. Vincent (who had been pushed around by Napoleon and Veruka, being in the middle of their argument) bravely agrees first to this plan and sets off to find the warp pipe. Whoever acquires the most Stars in these games will be crowned the superstar. With that incentive, Michael and the rest of the group agree and race him to enter the warp pipe and the game begins.
Destinata a venir uccisa dopo le nozze dal marito e l'amante di lui, Dominique divorzia dal proprio fiancé e si risposa velocemente con il cattivo secondario della storia. Trasferitasi al di fuori del regno per vivere serena con il suo "avventuriere" marito, Dominique scopre velocemente di aver appena causato una grossa crisi politica, il motivo? Ha appena sposato un Imperatore molto vendicativo e possessivo... -Stesso universo di Game of War