Welcome one and all today I bring you a new Supernatural Fanfic but unlike the last two I wrote the center is not Destiel, however there will be Destiel side plots sprinkled in along with Sambriel and a bunch of our favorite characters will grace the page once more! Like the original Bobby, Charlie, of course Gabriel, and many more! However the main plotline is something I've been wanting to experiment with for these past few months and I've been rewatching Supernatural so time to stir up the pot.
Our story begins with the end though 1 change instead of Sam living out a wonderful and getting to Heaven, instead Dean has a chat with Jack who informs of the new big bad down on Earth. You see now that the Christian God has had his fun, it's time for originals to come outta the woodwork and take what's rightfully theirs, if you don't know what I'm talking about then I'll spell it out for you, THE ANNUNAKI ARE COMING FOLKS! So strap in and hang on cause this is gonna be a good ride.