Before Innovia became what it is today, it was called Iravath, and it was Lysa's home.
Growing up in Harenia, a coastal town in the empire of Adamania, when dragons still flew free in the skies and nested in the mountains of the hinterland, Lysa had the misfortune to be born during the age of the Conquest, when the gods were slain by powerful primordial demons who seized the continent of Iravath in their grip.
Lysa doesn't believe in the gods, but she believes in their death, and that soon the entire continent will meet a similar fate. But what can she do alone to stem an immense evil? A simple human, in a land of entities that stand on top of each other's bodies, making the cult of mortals a game or a bargaining chip, has no hope of being able to change destiny. She has no powers, she doesn't know magic, and she barely knows how to hold a weapon in her hand.
It'll be the encounter with one of the terrible primordial demons that will change her forever: Morthakar, the Scourge of Shadows, will make her an offer that, in the moment of the most desperate need, Lysa will not be able to refuse. But demons are mendacious creatures, and what may seem like a gift quickly becomes a heavy chain, that drags the soul of those who give in to their mellifluous words into oblivion.
On her own, Lysa cannot even save herself. But new gods are being born from the prayers of mortals subjected to abuse, to sacrifices. And among them, perhaps the girl will find someone who'll finally be willing to help her not only to regain her freedom, but also to dispel the terror of primordial demons once and for all.
[ This is a prequel to the main story "Tales of Innovia", but contains no major spoilers for the main plot. The two stories can be read in any order you like.]
IMPORTANTE: la seguente storia è il sequel di "LA SGUATTERA".
1° "la sguattera": completo
2° "i grandi giochi di Dholiam": in arrivo prossimamente
Sono trascorsi quattro mesi da quando Gaston ha abbandonato Berenice sull'isola di Dholiam, costringendola a vivere sotto mentite spoglie come una semplice sguattera. Ma in questo arco di tempo, tutto è cambiato. Ora Berenice si ritrova, suo malgrado, a partecipare ai grandi giochi di Dholiam, dove dovrà affrontare gli Oscuros in una competizione mortale. Il problema? Non è una combattente, né tantomeno una studentessa addestrata.
Costretta a superare sfide sempre più pericolose, Berenice si ritrova inaspettatamente ad avvicinarsi sempre più a Dorias, il principe degli Oscuros. Ma questa nuova alleanza è tutt'altro che semplice: Dorias è l'acerrimo nemico di Paride, e il loro legame non sarà ben visto né dagli Oscuros né dai Regales.
Tra prove letali, intrighi e sentimenti proibiti, Berenice tenterà di restare a galla, aggrappandosi a un'unica certezza: Gaston tornerà a prenderla. Ma quando anche quella sicurezza comincia a vacillare, Berenice capisce che dovrà contare solo su se stessa per sopravvivere.