TRAMA:Un tempo si chiamava Celeste Vaughn. Una bambina innocente, tradita e distrutta da chi avrebbe dovuto proteggerla. Dopo quell'anno maledetto, Celeste sparì dal radar di tutti, adottata da una nuova famiglia e ribattezzata Sophie Montgomery. Ma il suo passato non è mai morto-ha solo aspettato il momento giusto per tornare.
Ora, dopo 9 anni, Sophie è di nuovo nella sua città natale, iscritta al college con un nuovo volto, un nuovo nome e un unico obiettivo: vendetta. La prima persona sulla sua lista? Selene Blackwood, la sua ex migliore amica, colei che con un solo gesto le aveva rovinato la vita.
Sophie è cambiata. Non è più la ragazza ingenua.Adesso è affascinante, manipolatrice e intelligente. Ha studiato ogni mossa, ogni debolezza, ed è pronta a farle pagare tutto senza che lei capisca chi si nasconde dietro la maschera.
Entrando nella cerchia di Selene sotto falsa identità, Sophie si insinua nella sua vita come un veleno silenzioso. Le fa perdere la fiducia in chi la circonda, mina le sue amicizie, la isola lentamente fino a farla crollare. Selene inizia a dubitare di sé stessa, senza sapere che il suo incubo è proprio la persona a cui sta iniziando a fidarsi di più...
Will she ever forgive them for abandoning her?
Will they ever be able to unveil her secrets?
Where was she for all those years?
This is story of a girl who was abandoned by her brothers when she was seven. Now, after 9 years, her brothers brought her back home. How will she deal with them, simultaneously dealing with the terrors that haunt her every night?
Sneak Peak-
Once we were out, I stopped and turned to face my blood relatives and said, "Okay, now that I am out you don't need to act anymore. Now, you guys can go back to your house and pretend that this never happened. I will go to my house and will make sure that we will not cross each other's path, even by accident."
I was about to turn back when Ezekiel held my elbow, stopping me on my track. I immediately snatched my hand back glaring at him and said,
"Do not ever touch me again." His eyes showed an emotion of hurt that I am sure I read incorrectly because one thing that Kensington brothers are incapable of was getting hurt by any outsider. And that was what I was. An outsider.
Sensing the tension in the atmosphere Aldric took it upon himself to say whatever his brother was about to.
"You are going with us." He spoke.
One thing about Aldric Kensington was that once he has made his mind, there is nothing in this world that can change his decision. This is the very quality of his that made my life a living nightmare, and this is exactly why I hate him more than any of my brothers.
"Let's go Athaliah," Ezekiel said this time.
That name. No one has called me by that name in six years. "My name is Zahra," I corrected and continued, "And I am not going with you."
#1 in pastabuse
#1 in nightterror on 27/02/25
#1 in running on 2/2/25
#1 in babysister on 15/12/24
#1 in brothersconflict on 27/12/24
#2 in abandoned
#2 in broken
#2 in abusing
#2 in brokenfamily
#4 in olderbrother
#5 in mafiaprincess
#9 in siblings
#14 in siblingrivalry
#34 in littlesister
#59 in mafia