A cute story about Sal Fisher, a short boy with peculiar sky blue hair that's usually in pigtails that matches his eyes, along with wearing prosthetic mask from a previous indecent with his mom during a picnic.
The other boy, Travis, a lankyer boy with bright yellow hair and Dark brown eyes, one of his eyes is bloodshot and bruised from a reason that will later be explained within the story.
The two higshchoolers never got along, Sal tried to ignore travis and his antics but he just kept being hateful and shouting homophobic slurs at Sals close friends, Sals Friends Ashley and Larry wanted to give Travis a piece of their mind and beating him to a bloody pulp but Sal stops them, he sees that inside of Travis' rough exterior is a great guy that needs to be understood.
this story takes part the day after the Bologna Incident, must warn you there will likely be triggering topics and I will do my best to remember to put the warnings at the top of the page, and I don't normally post things for others to see so go easy on me please, I'm not the best, also any art that may be shown including the thumbnail isnt mine.
Also let me clarify that I dont exactly ship Travis Phelps And Sal Fisher, I Ship Sal Fisher and Ashley Campbell since she is the Cannon Love Intrest.
But Travis is my favorite character and I was upset with how little control Travis had in his life, his whole life was controlled by Kenneth until the night he died, his life is tragic so I'd like to write a story that gives Travis atleast the slightest amount of free will and Love.
I also made Kenneth Relativity kind for who he is because I dont want very much angst.