To my dearest and most cherished self, with all my love, I dedicate this novel...
And to whom it may concern!
- Enaam Sarris
In each of our lives, there are places tied to old memories-some filled with joyful moments, while others conceal wounds that never heal.
But what if there were a place you've never visited before, yet you feel an inexplicable connection to it? A place that stirs unfamiliar emotions within you and compels you to confront a past you never knew existed!
Noor, a thirty-year-old woman, suddenly finds herself standing on the platform of a train station for the very first time. Yet, something about this place pulls at the threads of her memory, stirring a strange turmoil in her heart.
Accompanied by her young daughter, she embarks on a journey to uncover mysteries in a world that feels both familiar and foreign at once. Through this journey, she discovers that the past, no matter how much we try to escape it, always waits in the shadows.
This novel follows Noor's psychological and social journey as she confronts her fears and memories in a place that holds a forgotten trauma from her past. It's a story about hidden wounds, the moments that unknowingly alter the course of our lives, and the power of places to unearth the buried traumas of our memory.
The story delves into the dominance of the subconscious over our awareness, decisions, and personalities, weaving a narrative that blurs the lines between reality, memory, and imagination.
Will Noor be able to unravel the mysteries of this place, confront the buried trauma, and triumph over it? Or will she remain a prisoner of the shadows of her past?