"Ok." We snuggle up and start watching the movie. Halfway through the movie Alex starts tickling me. "Alex No!" We start to wrestle. Obviously I'm winning. But he knows I'm not a girly girl so he hits hard. This time a little to hard. "Ow Alex stop. Ow!"
"Where does it hurt?" He asks. I point to my knee. "Here." He kisses my knee. "Here." I point to my elbow. He kisses it. "Here." This time I point to my shoulder and he kisses it. I point to my lip. "Here." I say smiling. He smirks and kisses my lips. He pulls away and smiles.
Emily Watson. 17 years old and a soccer player. Her best friends are Jasper and Alex. Her father left when she was born and her mother is alone. She loves Harry Potter. Then...The Johnson's come to live with her. 5 Girls and 3 Boys. Hazel, Iris, Lily, Daphne, Ivy, Carter, Zayn and Luke. If you do read this, you will read about Emily growing up. You will experience everything she goes through.
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